BB飲食營養|幼兒版健康蘿蔔糕 簡單易整 中英對照食譜 附營養小貼士

幼兒版健康蘿蔔糕1|櫻花蝦蒸蘿蔔糕 Steamed Chinese Turnip Cake with Dried Sergestid Shrimp
白蘿蔔 300-400克
櫻花蝦 2湯匙
乾瑤柱 2-3粒(浸軟)
粘米粉 60-70克(視乎水量調節)
水 50毫升
櫻花蝦 適量
乾瑤柱 適量
Turnip 300-400g
Dried sergestid shrimp 2tlsp
Dried scallops 2-3 pcs(pre-soaked)
Rice flour 60-70g(adjust accordingly)
Water 50ml
Dried sergestid shrimp appropriate
Dried scallop appropriate
1. 白蘿蔔洗淨後,去皮、切絲,擠出水份在碗中備用。
2. 浸軟的乾瑤柱撕成幼絲。
3. 碗中加入蘿蔔汁、粘米粉和清水拌勻。
4. 預熱易潔鍋,噴少許煮食油,下白蘿蔔絲、瑤柱絲和櫻花蝦炒至軟身,然後倒入粉漿,熄火,拌勻。
5. 在容器中抹上少許油,倒入蘿蔔漿,在表面加上瑤柱絲和櫻花蝦作裝飾,隔水蒸約30分鐘即可。
1. Peel the washed the turnip and shred them. Squeeze out the extra liquid and keep the liquid aside for later use.
2. Tear pre-soaked dried scallops apart into very thin strips.
3. Mix together the turnip juice, rice flour and water in a separate bowl.
4. Preheat a non-stick pan, slightly grease with cooking oil then add the grated turnip, dried scallop strips and dried sergestid shrimp and stir fry until turnip softened, then add in the flour mixture and remove from heat, stir well.
5. Grease the steaming container with some oil, add in the mixture and garnish with extra scallop strip and dried sergestid shrimp, steam for 30 minutes and it is ready to serve. (06)
幼兒版健康蘿蔔糕2|白蘿蔔絲肉丸 Meatballs with Turnip Shreds
白蘿蔔 200克
瘦肉碎 100克
粟粉 1湯匙
紅葱頭 1個
胡椒粉 少許
醬油 1茶匙
葱 1條(切碎)
杞子 小量
Turnip 200g
Minced lean pork 100g
Corn starch 1tlsp
Shallot 1pcs
White pepper a dash
Soy sauce 1tsp
Spring onion 1pcs(chopped)
Dried goji berries a dash
1. 白蘿蔔洗淨後,去皮、刨絲,擠出多餘水份。
2. 切碎紅葱頭。
3. 將紅葱頭碎加進肉碎,並加入⅔的白蘿蔔絲、胡椒粉、醬油及粟粉拌勻。
4. 將肉碎分成等份做成丸子放在蒸碟上,然後放上杞子裝飾。
5. 隔水大火蒸約15分鐘或至肉丸完全熟透,然後放上小量蘿蔔絲、葱花作裝飾即可。
1. Peel the washed the turnip and coarsely grate them. Squeeze out the extra liquid.
2. Chop the shallot.
3. Mix the chopped shallot into the lean pork mince, ⅔ of the shredded turnip, white pepper, soy sauce and corn starch.
4. Separate the meat mixture into equal portion and roll into meatball, garnish with goji berries on the top.
5. Steam with high heat for 15 minutes or until the meatballs are fully cooked, add some turnip shreds and chopped spring onion for decoration.
資料提供:黃蔚昕 / 澳洲註冊營養師
撰文:Helen Ng|攝影:李偉佳